Sunday, March 26, 2006

I've been thinking about HIM all day. Yikes. This is seriously gonna do wonders for my rep. I totally don't do crushes, and yet here I am, constantly thinking about him. I feel like such the IJ stereotype; going to a co-ed school and falling for a guy in 2 weeks. Desperation has always been such an IJ strength.

Someone teach me how to get over him lah. Its incredibly annoying to be daydreaming about his smile when I'm supposed to be writing bio notes. I'm seriously considering turning lesbian. But then I'd just get crushes on girls. Hm. And being bi would just double the problem. What are people with no sexual orientation called?

For the first time in my life, I'm actually looking forward to going back to school, just so I can see him around. This is so not a me thing to do lah. I haven't had a crush this bad since primary 4. Oh and for those of you who do know about him, please don't spread okay. I'll just die if he knows. I'll move to another country. Or jump off a building. Or both. I wouldn't want him to know I died of embarrassment, literally.

Its really strange for me, doing crushes. Although I'm almost always dating someone, I'm not as boy crazy as you might think. I'm really just the normal girl. I do have other things on my mind okay, Shane. Although right now its just him. Argh. I hate myself when I get like this. I doubt he even knows my name. I feel like such a loser lah. I'm gonna find out as many horrible things as I can about him. Then I'll get disgusted and won't think of him anymore. Sounds like a plan. Sigh.

Why must you torment me so?

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